Today's date: २०८१-१०-०७

Nepal Government

Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development

Prime Minister's Agriculture Modernization Project

Project Implementation Unit, Jumla



Programs to be conducted at the Project Implementation Unit, Super Zone level

1) Technology and technical assistance

2) Institutional Support Program

3) Support for establishment/strengthening of Institutes/Colleges of Agricultural Studies

4) Support for establishment of Integrated Agricultural Research and Extension Center

5) Establishment of Custom Hiring Center for Agricultural Mechanization

6) Establishment of Post Harvest Center

7) Hi-tech nursery infrastructure development support

8) Irrigation infrastructure construction and maintenance support

9) Establishment and operation of Agricultural Technology Center

10) Support for establishment of organic fertilizer factories

11) Assistance in establishment of bio-pesticide production center

12) Establishment and operation of tissue culture laboratory

13) Assistance in setting up laboratory for rapid pesticide residue testing

14) Support for establishment of mini-farms (soil, seeds, crop protection and food technology and quality control)

15) Assistance in establishment of agricultural industries